Gender refers to the socially created qualities of women, men, girls, and boys. Gender as a social construct differs from one civilization to the next and can change through time. The fight for women's rights is inextricably linked to and influenced by the fight for justice, among other issues. Gender equality is defined as the establishment of more equitable relationships between people, with the result that women are characterized as citizens with equal rights, independence, and rights in society. When both genders have equal rights, conditions, and opportunities, women's rights are realized. It is a question of society's power, influence, and resources being distributed fairly. Individuals' attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that reflect negative judgements of individuals based on their gender or support gender inequality are referred to as sexism.

“I think I'm a humanist. I believe all humans should have equal rights to live, express, flourish, love and dissent, irrespective of their gender, caste, class, socio-economic strata, disabilities, political stance, religion or faith.”  - Sayani Gupta


Gender refers to the socially constructed characteristics of women, men, girls, and boys. This includes the expectations, actions, and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl, or boy. Health care should be affordable, accessible, and acceptable to everyone, with an emphasis on quality, equity, and dignity. Access to healthcare information, assistance, and services might be restricted or unfettered.


The fight for gender equality is a fight for everyone's political, economic, and social rights to be equal. Women do not become more masculine by defining themselves in reference to males; rather, women and men are on an equal footing. Gender equality indicates that everyone is of equal human worth and value, regardless of gender identification. The problem of why women are still being oppressed today lies not with the principle of equality but rather with poor implementation.

“Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance.”
 - Kofi Annan


“We need to raise our sons more like our daughters. We need to relieve them of this burden of the idea that to be masculine they have to be superior, which is what they get addicted to, and why both racism and sexism are crimes that I call superiority crimes.” -Gloria Steinem

Prejudice or discrimination based on one's sex or gender is known as sexism. Sexism may impact anybody, but women and girls are the ones who are most affected. It's been connected to stereotypes and gender roles, and it might involve the notion that one sex or gender is fundamentally superior to the other. Gender is a social construct that comprises roles and standards that are suitable for different genders in society and culture. Sexist behavior includes any action, statement, law, practice, or media depiction that gives one gender or sex a higher value than the other. This is true whether or not the individual or organization intended to hurt others. Sexism mostly affects women and girls across the world, but it may also impact males. Because being male or masculine is more highly prized in most societies than being female or feminine, sexism disproportionately impacts women and girls. It also affects persons who were not born with the gender female but express themselves in a way that others see as feminine. Individuals who are trans and gender-expansive, such as trans and transgender persons, are included in this category.

In society, we can witness social statuses such as gender disparity, sexism, and discrimination. It mostly affects women since, in society, women have a lesser status than males. Women are viewed as weak and irrational by society. Previously, it was widely assumed that women should be subordinate to males. However, the circumstance has improved, and women now have a better chance. Respect both for human rights and respect for equality between women and men, equal economic independence for men and women; closing gender pay, earnings, and pension gaps, thereby combating poverty among women; promoting equality between men and women in decision-making; combating gender based violence and protecting and supporting victims; and promoting gender equality and women's rights globally are some of the ways to respect our gender.


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